Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 31... The pictures tell me more than a scale!

So I've been at it for a month day!  I've made some strides and I'm feeling great... Very strong and proud of myself for not skipping a single workout in 31 days.  I'm trying not to let the number on the scale make me mad... still holding at 120.  I'm also trying not to let the body fat measurement I had yesterday morning get me down... 22.4% (before I got sick in December I was at 17.9%).  I want to live at 15%... I have some work ahead of me (sigh).  But I'm up for the challenge.  I'm up for it!

Paleo life has been okay... I'm getting a bit bored of food because I'm not really changing it up.  My schedule is crazy busy right now with my kids starting baseball and trying to train a 6 day split,
AND take yoga too, so no time to really experiment.  I guess that doesn't matter at this point.  I have to look at food as fuel ONLY!  When time permits I'll get creative again!

Next Paleo site I will feature:  

I love this site because she give so much "science" behind Paleo!  I love it!  One of my favorite Paleo pancake and Paleo banana bread recipes come from this site.  I don't eat this kind of stuff often at all... It's a treat kind of thing.  Just cause something is "Paleo" doesn't mean it will get me to 15% body fat!  It might "be clean" but it doesn't get me to my goal!

Today I hit my legs really hard!  It felt great!  If you want to try a great leg workout, male or female check this one out!  It is a BEAST!  I know I'm going to really "feel" it tomorrow... Glad I have two days until my next leg workout! - Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer: Day 31

Her legs don't "do" it for me, but I liked what the message said...  Below is my leg envy...

She is more my speed... Pressing forward... One day!  I promise one day!

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