Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Still down 5 pounds and muscle is coming back.

So it's been a minute since I've had the opportunity to sit down and write... I so wish I could write everyday, but reality is I'm a wife and mom and those jobs trump "blogger!" At this point in time, I'm holding at 120.  Still a little frustrated by that number (just being real), but I'm feeling really strong and I feel like when I do lose weight it will be because I've permanently shifted my life style.  I will have lost the weight doing something my body can and will support long term.  I will be eating in a manner consistent with longevity.  When I was unable to digest protein without pain about 3 months ago I think the hardest thing I had to watch was all my muscle definition go away!  In February I felt like I was starting from scratch as I saw my once "cut" frame become light and fluffy (I am aware some people like like and fully; however, I am not one of them!)

I can't believe I have two more days in week 4 of my 12 week trainer ( Jamie Eason's 12 Week Trainer.  After reviewing phase II last night I think I'm going to love it!  I'm excited about putting cardio back in my day/week!  I'm sure I'll see some changes with this addition to my workout routine.  Can't wait to post I've broken the 120's.  Here's a picture of my bicep after 3 1/3 weeks of working out with weights and proper nutrition.

Well, back to things Paleo! I'm excited to report my husband is down almost 15 pounds in 3 1/3 weeks and he is feeling really good!  Go Marc, Go!!!!  As for me I'm still loving it I just really want to not CRAVE nuts!  I'm doing well not consuming too many (I know, I know I was supposed to give them up!  I'm human), but I hate that my obsession with carbs turned into a nut obsession!  Oh well... I guess I could have much worse additions; however, in the quest for a fly body, nuts do not mix in well with that equation.

So as promised, I said I would start to feature some of my favorite blog sites:

I like this site because it is simple and organized. Recipes are easy to follow and taste really good. One of my favorites: Chicken Fajitas with Guacamole.  Below is my version! I don't buy into any of the "paid plan" stuff but what they give for "free" is good information! Please note: I do not condone eating any pork or shell food (Any food outside Leviticus 11 is off my list of foods I'll eat)... but sometimes you can view the recipe and substitute a clean meat! Enjoy my first recommended site.

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