Sunday, March 3, 2013

Blessings flow from obedience

Are you kidding me?  I gained 5 pounds in a week...  I guess all my "eating stuff I've gotta let go of on Sunday" caught up with me.  Not sure why I didn't think 5 peanut butter spoons a day with rice cakes were NOT going to phase me.  Or that half of a medium Jules gluten free pizza and homemade popcorn everyday for a week by the "big bowl" was just going to magically be okay! Laughing over here, NOT!!!!  I'm just thankful my addiction is food.  I have sympathy for those quitting drugs and alcohol.  I understand with greater empathy why some individuals overdose right before they go into rehab.  I sure was overdosing on the foods I knew I had to "give up."

So my BMI is 21.5 (  I'm not too happy with that!  My weight is 125.  I'm not too happy with that!  I can't even get my skinny jeans up on my thigh.  I'm not too happy with that!  And this morning I put on my "biggest" jeans for church and they were tight.  I'm definitely not too happy about that!  I'm not a girl that get's caught up in scales and numbers but my clothes and my energy level always respond best when I'm resting at 115.  So ten pounds it is!

I also realized today I'm not hungry but I'm not satisfied.  Such a horrible feeling!!!  I eat and I always feel like I want something else... I know this too will pass... so I will live in obedience because I want the blessings to flow!

This might be hard, but I'm ready for the challenge.  Tomorrow I start my BODY smack down with Jamie Eason's Live Fit 12 week trainer  I'm not using her eating plan as I'm PALEO but I'm using her training schedule and I'm continuing with my yoga practice.  Pictures of my before body to come tomorrow!!!  Big stomach and all!  I promise I'm gonna keep this blog real.

Meal #1:  Salmon Cake with (Almond Flour) and Banana
Meal #2:  Two Eggs Hard Boiled with Carrot Ginger Soup and Raspberries and Blue Berries
Meal #3:  Mix Green Salad with Cashews and homemake Apple, Ginger, Garlic dressing.
Meal #4:  Trout, Green Beans, Salad, with Olive Oil and Lemon
Water:  80 oz and 2 cups of tea Ginger and Green with Agave.

My issue today:  Ate too many cashews... trying to fill a void.  Asked husband to get propane tank so I can grill up some food so I have more protein on hand when I'm hungry!

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