Saturday, March 2, 2013

Game On!

All right, tomorrow starts my 12 week smack down and I'm ready!  I must admit I've been in quite a FUNK for 4 months for a plethora of reasons.  First off, I'm not a huge fan of winter and  once the cold sets in (i.e. I can't go outside without a jacket on.  I HATE big coats) I slide into the winter BLUES.  I'm sure in retirement I'll have a house in AZ or FL.  Marcus, (clearing my throat very loudly) we need to start saving!  Second, I was having major digestive issues and I felt like I couldn't eat and digest protein, so I lost sooooooo much muscle definition and anyone who knows me knows I like a "fit" body!  After trying to find out what foods I was allergic to through an elimination diet (by the way it didn't help my situation).  I found a doctor who figured out, I not only had a gluten sensitivity (went gluten free 2/12) but a complete Carbohydrate Intolerance.  Fermented sugar in my gut and a lack of digestive enzymes were causing my MAJOR stomach issues/pain.

But WHAT THE HECK.  Carbohydrate Intolerance.  Are you kidding me?  You've got to be joking.  I looked a the list of foods I could have and I was like this is PALEO (minus the limited dairy I could have)... Please just shoot me (kidding).  I'm healthy, I eat clean, but I don't know if I want to be this healthy.  I can't have oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa??!!!  See I not only can't I have carbohydrates I can't have honey or dried fruit... Nothing that makes life, oh I meant to say meals, sweet!

So I find this information out 2/1/13.  I'm ticked... pissed off... irritated and sad.  Not to mention going through serious physical withdrawals from sugar (yes it is a drug).  The funny things is I didn't even eat processed sugar, hadn't for over a year.  My sugar came in the form of dried fruit; however, if you look at this cart you can see I WAS eating SUGAR!!!!  LOTS of it!

I can't eat dairy because I have issues with my sinus (what got me in this dietary quandary in the first place.  Long story for a later post), and dairy produces too much mucus in the body.  So feta, goat cheese, and yogurt are out; even though they are on my "Carbohydrate Intolerance" approved list.  So PALEO it is...

Once I made up my mind I figured I might as well blog about it and share my experiences with anyone who might want to tune into my daily musings.  A couple of friends said, "Kimberly, this is easy for you!"  I must reply with NO IT ISN'T!!!  I struggle with wanting to eat the foods I'm emotional tied to, just like you... So I say, "Hello, my name is Kimberly and I'm a sugar/carbohydrate addict."  The difference, I'm determined to do it with a positive attitude.   Tomorrow I start my new exercise schedule and eating plan (my wonderful and supportive husband has agreed to go Paleo with me. Albeit 12 weeks).  I have a trip to Miami with my lover in July of 2013 and I want to get super sexy for him and our adult vacation.  So I say... GAME ON!

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