Saturday, March 16, 2013

Celebrate small victories: Down one more pound

I promise I stepped on the scale each day this week and it read 121.2.  I felt like I was in the movie Ground Hog day!  I was grateful for not gaining but I wanted the sale to move, at least an ounce.  Somedays I jumped on and off the scale hoping it would measure something else.  I moved the scale.  Had my kids step on it to see if it would reset.  I looking in the mirror and asked why (won't you move down) and what (am I doing wrong)?  I know, I know, as a personal trainer I used to tell my clients all the time to trust the process.  Don't worry about what the scale says.  Stay focused and compliant and the scale will move or at least your clothes will fit better.  I wanted to roll my eyes at my trainer.  Oh yeah, "that" trainer is me.

So this week I was asked by a really good friend who has cancer if she should have a double or single mastectomy?  And since I haven't given her my answer yet I'm not going to tell you what I think.  However, the question had me "question" a lot of things in my own life.  A lot of times we can make decisions for others about choices that might seem "vain" easily; however, when you turn the mirror on yourself you can see the complication.  Her question made me look at myself as well.  At some point I thought about getting breast implants (2 1/2 years of nursing my boys almost back to back) took it's toll on the girls).  But I thought about why I wanted it.  Was/Is it vanity especially if my husband is content with me?  The fact that I want ripped abs, almost to the point of obsession, vanity?

A lot of times she thinks she's not able to "help" me do anything because she's fighting cancer; however, she always make me think.  Makes me question what I do (in a good way).  She challenges my beliefs (making me readjust or confirming them with greater conviction), and that my friend is one of the greatest "helps" you can give this stay-at-home mamma! This week I learned a huge lesson....

Always press towards your vision and goals; however, make sure those vision have the right motives behind them.  True confession:  I wanted the body first (vanity)... Health was a byproduct....  Now I'm striving for heath first and the body will follow!  I'm going to enjoy the Paleo/fitness process and celebrate where I am at this very moment (I'm loving energy level)!  Healthier and stronger...Hope you can do the same!  BTW, I relaxed and this morning the scale read 120.2!  I'll celebrate the small victories!

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