Thursday, March 7, 2013

Down 5 Pounds in 5 Days...

Since I had my kids my biggest challenge has been finding a diet/lifestyle that I can sustain and one what keeps my stomach happy.  When I trained for a show a couple years ago I had no problem eating like a machine (no flavor or variety), because I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel.  See eating egg whites and oatmeal every morning or a can of tuna straight up didn't phase me because I knew I could eat a slice of pizza in 3-4 months if I wanted to.  However, with "Carbohydrate Intolerance" there is no light at the end of the tunnel.  The tunnel is your life.  I want to be fit and healthy, but I also want to enjoy some of the pleasures life has for me.  I had to find a way to make this a lifestyle change, something I could sustain.  I kept thinking of Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 "So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God."  

Yahweh helped... I can do this!  I think I stepped on and off the scale 3 times this morning to see if my new digital scale was trippin'!  5 pounds in less than a week.  I'm so excited!  And this Paleo diet thing has not been too bad.  I think this is something I can sustain.  I just have to keep searching the web for recipes and trying them out!  I thank God for all the bloggers out there who share their recipes.  Big ups to you and thank you from this new Paleo girl!

So if you are thinking of going Paleo and you are like me,  "Crap, I gotta have something comforting in my life or I'm gonna keep hitting the sugar pipe..."  then try this... Google what you want with the word Paleo after it.  Example:  "Pancakes Paleo" or "Tuna Salad Paleo..."  When I tell you those two searches rocked my world this week I'm not exaggerating!

I found a great protein rich Paleo pancake recipe:  I sprinkled some cinnamon on it and they were perfect!  Loved them!

I also found a great tuna salad recipe:  I didn't use the capers and I added a little Horseradish Mustard to the dressing!  It think I liked it better than my traditional tuna salad recipe!  It helps to try new things in life!

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