Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3 Pounds Down...

Yesterday was great!  I feel good about my choices... still had more nuts than I should consume.  So I've decided to take them out for a week or so and pray about my lack of "self control."  I've always known I have an additive personality (why I don't drink, smoke or do drugs).  I'm an "all the way in" or "nothing" kind of girl.  But I so want to learn how to eat one piece of chocolate and walk away.  That's called denying your flesh Morgan! I'm good at it in some areas of my life and really piss poor in others.  I don't want to live in the world of complete deprivation for all things that "taste good."  So I'm praying during this process I get better at taking a bite and walking away!  I'm going to practice as I know this is  a skill, but until I get to where I want to be physically I'm going to stop all together.  Once I get to the body I desire, in some way I'll practice since I will have the motivation not to MESS UP all that work.  As of right now I'm like,  "it already looks crappy so go ahead have that extra one, two or three..."  NOT!!!!

I hit the weights hard yesterday. My chest and triceps are sore and I love that feeling!  Hurts so good.  Looking forward to today's work out for sure!  I'm also going to take a Yoga class to keep up with my practice of 3-5 times a week!  So bring on the two-a-days!

I'm happy to report I'm down 3 pounds since Sunday!  So now I have about 7-8 pounds to go.  My husband seems to think I'll get my ten off in less than a month!  We shall see!  Paleo isn't that bad but I do miss my feta cheese egg scrambles.  Breakfast didn't quite taste the same this morning!  But I'm okay with it... As they say, nothing taste better than feeling health feels.  I AGREE 100%!!!

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