Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Subtle & Small Changes: But Changes Nonetheless

I told you my efforts are centered around healthy living and being the best I can be!  The strongest!  The most BALANCED!  I'd be lying to you if I said I don't care what the scale says (btw still 120 and holding), but I'm happier two weeks out, especially when I see pictures tell me what I can't see everyday!  I'm in two full weeks and 3 days; however, I'm in my 3rd week of training ( Jamie Eason's 12 week program).  And I can see changes in my body!  I'm excited about that!  More muscle and smaller stomach for sure!  I have 9 more weeks and I know I'll progress so much more!

Week #0

Week #2

I'm happy about my increase in strength as I've been able to do some things in Yoga class I've never been able to do before with ease! I think I've gotten braver too... like I stated before the pose doesn't start until you want to come out of it!  And I'm okay with falling on my face if I know I TRIED!!!!  Erasing FEAR!!!  Here are the three poses I most proud of this week...

1.  Wild Thing flipped into Wheel on both sides.  This is a picture of wild thing but imagine flipping in to the picture below but on your hands not your forearms.

2.  Forearm Wheel

3.  Lotus Peacock

I really thought going Paleo was going to be harder.  Don't get me wrong it was pretty hard at first as I was detoxing off sugar and carbs, but now that my blood sugar's not spiking all the time I find I have greater energy, a sense of peace and balance.  I'm grateful!

Next few blogs are all about food!  The dishes I like.  Discoveries I've made.  The websites I love.   Thanks for taking this journey with me!

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